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3:13 p.m. - 2024-02-19
First time for everything
I just embarked on my first excursion with COVID. So far, not so bad although the sinus pressure is…a lot. I am pretty sure I know from whom I contracted it and it’s going to take a lot to not get in her face and yell GUESS THOSE WEREN'T SEASONAL ALLERGIES, HUH BITCH?
Chach is a divine angel and has not contracted it and has kept me afloat in Kleenex and Gatorade.
Started paxlovid yesterday- the taste in your mouth everyone warns you about is really not that bad. The ginger ale helps tho.
I had picked up some work for Fords who are doing Little Shop. We have finished a bunch of huge vines but I don’t know when I’m going back. Until I’m negative I guess.
Until then I will sleep in fits and starts sitting up and try to not get my husband sick.


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