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9:13 a.m. - 2016-12-31
See you later, 2016.
Six years ago I was extremely eager to close the door on 2010. Personally it was just a very painful year for me. It's easy to assign blame to a number for everything that happened in and out of your control and hope that the change of a digit is going to change things.

We all know luck favors the prepared.

And I think we can all agree we are preparing.

We are preparing for what's about to come down the pike, but I'll be honest with you- I want it to start. Because I know once it starts, it will stop. I will be working to make it stop.

The anticipation is almost always worse than the reality. That's not to say what we are going to face under this administration isn't going to be incredibly painful, but it will be easier and more productive to stop a stone in motion once we can see the direction it actually takes.

So.....see you later 2016. I've never been happier to turn a page. So friends, join me in preparing. Link arms with your friends. Remind your enemies that words matter and don' t be afraid to use yours to stop the hateful rhetoric that some people have been recently emboldened to use.
Keep going. Keep thriving. Keep loving.

But just in case, I am going to LIGHT THE SHIT out of this 2016 calendar and dance in its ashes.


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